Athens, Greece

As we pop out of the Pandormou metro station, we are greeted by Maria who owns an apartment in Athens as a part of Air BnB. We've enjoyed having our little one bedroom/one bathroom apartment in an area of locals. We did a load of laundry, hung our clothes on a line, and enjoyed our space!

The first night in Athens Tom and I got a cab to an authentic Greek restaurant called Alexandria. We have learned that we really enjoyed Greek food. For one, it is super affordable and two, they grill! We've missed some good grilled food these past few weeks. On the way back we saw mom and dads playing cards in the park while they're kids played in the park. We like this about the Greek culture.

We started the day early be beat both the heat and the tourist to the Acropolis. We got coffee from a local corner shop and made our way to the base of the Acropolis where Rick Steve walked us through the history. Several things that we didn't know were that Acropolis is the name of the hill, while the Parthenon is the temple to the goddess Athena (The Greek patron). It was built in 447 BC. This is definitely the oldest structure that we've ever seen and every will see. Other structures are located on the Acropolis, but the Parthenon is definitely the famous one.

After seeing the temples and ruins on Acropolis hill, we took a short walk to Aeropagus (Marrs Hill) where the apostle Paul delivered a sermon to men in Athens:

"So Paul, standing in the midst of Aeropagus said: "Men of Athens, I perceive that in many ways you are very religious. For as I passed along and observed your objects of worship, I found also an alter with this inscription, 'to an unknown god.' What you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples built by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation having determined the times and boundares of their dwelling place, that they should seek God and perhaps find and follow him, although he is not far from any of us." 
-Acts 17:22-27

I'm still processing the fact that I got to stand on the same hill that Paul gave this sermon. Paul reasoned with philosophers as he looked down on a city of idols. As we see so many temples, chapels, and monuments on our trip, I love the reminder that God does not live in houses built by hands. God is the creator and worthy of all worship.

Standing at the top of Aeropagus Hill 

Paul's Sermon from Acts (written in Greek)

After taking in our history, Tom and I hit the flea market. Tom collected the last patch for his backpack, I bought a peach off the street, and I found a purse back pack in one of my favorite prints (tribal). It was only 9 euro!  The economy is hurting in Athens, so things are found cheap and everyone is eager to take business.

Surrounded by shoes, bags, and trinkets at the market

Ash and Cara I thought of you during this purchase

We took a quick metro ride to the port to get tickets for our ferry ride to Santorini and came back for street food for lunch. Tom had a Gyro and I had Souvlaki.

Maria's apartment made for a great place to get in a power nap before heading to the Olympic Stadium. We walked the tunnel and track of those who competed in the first modern olympics of 1896.

Tom Even Spotted an American Runner: 

To end our time in Athens we walked the Plaka neighborhood and enjoyed one last Greek meal followed by Gelato. We have eaten good in Greece! We're off to our final destination tomorrow - Santorini Island (a place I've always wanted to go).

We have really enjoyed our trip, but we both have learned to appreciate home even more and get anxious about being back with friends and family. There really is NO PLACE LIKE HOME.

1 comment:

  1. Way to run the race. . . . The podium has never looked better! :) Can't wait to see your smiling faces.
